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How long without grocery shopping?

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  • How long without grocery shopping?

    The spend no money challenge has got me thinking. I was wondering how long I could go without grocery shopping at all. I am contemplating taking up the personal challenge to see. Theoretically, I could go for over a year, but it would completely wipe out my storage. And then I would also have to decide if I would include cleaning and toiletries in the game too. I'm pretty sure that at some point I'd say I don't want to eat what I am 'down' to. It's an idea I am tossing around? What are your guys thoughts on the matter?

  • #2
    Re: How long without grocery shopping?

    Wow, an ENTIRE year? I don't think I'll ever be able to do that.

    Yes, this challenge has gotten me thinking the exact same thing. Before, I just go and buy things whenever I feel like it. There's a supermarket not too far from me, but I suppose it's still a drain on both my finances, and more importantly, time.

    With this challenge, I think it will work quite nicely if I can get used to buying groceries on a weekly basis... say, every Sunday. That should also give me a better idea of what my grocery budget should look like, and thus be able to control and track it as well.


    • #3
      Re: How long without grocery shopping?

      Quite a challenge!! Admirable in fact. I know we couldn't go two weeks without grocery shopping as our sons are always coming to visit (one in Navy and one in Virignia Beach) and we try to have extra food available for their visits. Not only that, hubby is retired and I eat lots and lots of fresh veggies and fruit. I love going to the grocery store and would lmiss it tremendously!

      Good luck in your endeavor. Great post!


      • #4
        Re: How long without grocery shopping?

        I know it not terribly pratical for some people, but since I am single and have already figured out how to get around most things that go bad quickly I think a I can do it. I think with a little pre-planning and all...I could do a long strech....maybe I'll do something like 3 Months, just to see. It means I will have to give up somethings, but it also means I will do alot less impulse buying of things I just pick up while I am out there. Plus like this no spending challenge, it forces me to look at what I have and get creative rather than just going to the store. I'm sure it will use up things that have been sitting around far too long too.


        • #5
          Re: How long without grocery shopping?

          3 months pre-planning sounds great! You're right about impulse buying too because I tend to do a lot of that. It will help to use up what you have in your cabinet/pantry already and even make you become more creative with new recipie ideas!


          • #6
            Re: How long without grocery shopping?

            Wow, no grocery shopping for a year! That would be amazing. I try to go once a week, but during the summer I've gone a second time to pick up fresh fruits and veggies. You must have incredible storage. I'm curious, do you not use fresh milk and eggs?


            • #7
              Re: How long without grocery shopping?

              I can't keep fresh milk from going sour, so I use powdered and soy, both keep well for long periods of time or I mix up just what I need. I do buy eggs, but often run out, so I use powdered eggs. I have two huge #10 cans of them. I use mostly frozen or canned fruits and veggies.


              • #8
                Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                Thanks for answering my question. I wondered if you used powdered milk and eggs and so you do!


                • #9
                  Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                  Wow! one year?!?!? Personally I am trying to avoid processed food since more than half of my relatives have had heart attacks. My brother passed away when he was only 35 of a heart attack. Also being diabetic, I am trying to eat healthier food that consists of mainly fresh produce, lean meat and healthy carbs. My choice to eat healthy meals overrides saving money to buy processed food. I rather much feel better on my day to day living than to sacrifice it for a larger savings account. But I am so impressed with many of you with stockpiles. (with so many ideas and adviced that has been shared on this sites by everyone, I am continueing ot listen and do my homework to find ways to save money on my groceries with the health food in mind. There is always room for improvement)

                  My mom was worried saying that I should have a stockpile of food incase something bad happens. I told her if something bad happens like a war or something... I am sure there will be people with shotguns trying to get my food. lol!


                  • #10
                    Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                    I too gave up all proceeded foods! My health has improved greatly and I feel great. I cook from scratch so I think that would make this challenge easier for me. As for someone taking your stock pile..... how are they going to know you have it? Part of the reason this challenge as appeal to me is that it give a chance to use up and rotate my storage a bit faster.

                    Case in point...I hate measuring messy shortening. I don't use it often so I just buy the 1 cup sticks. A horrible waste of money. I have a four lbs tub sitting under the cupboard, but I never bother because the stick are so much easier...I need to use the big tub! If I run out of the stick and I don't allow myself to replace them, then I use the tub!

                    I made a list of the few things I think I'd need to give this a go and after my two week challenge is over on Tuesday I'm think I'm going to pick them up and give a try! I figure if I start now I'll be finished before Thanksgiving when all the cooking stuff goes on sale and I can then restock my pantry!


                    • #11
                      Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                      I have never stock piled food very much, just try and have two of everything. Now that we eat out so much, I have very little food on hand. I shop once a week, but pick up other things once in a while. I usually spend less than $30 a week and I enjoy going to the grocery store and just looking. I do like to stock up on certain things we use a lot. (toilet paper and diet sprite)


                      • #12
                        Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                        I am also thinking some of us have limited space. I currently am working as a live-in attendant for someone with severe disability. I have to consider the home to be the person I work for and I only have one large cupboard that is just under a counter next to the stove. I think planning a 3 month stockpile would not work for me.


                        • #13
                          Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                          Wow. I could go a week or two with what I've got in my pantry/freezer (and that's pushing it because I'm low right now), but we'd have to do without milk and fresh fruit.

                          Now my mom, on the other hand, could probably match you for that year. If there's ever some kind of major disaster in our area I'm heading to her place!


                          • #14
                            Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                            That's probably something I could actually pull off because I too live along. Like Boe I have a stockpile and the problem of rotating things to insure that they are used in a timely manner. (It's so bad, I've begun to mark new stock with the purchase date in magic marker).

                            I still don't think I want to take up that particular challenge. I'm too fond of fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, and baked goods.

                            The no-spending challenge has been an adventure and an exercise in self-examination. I'm truly glad I decided to participate. Anything much longer would become a burden.


                            • #15
                              Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                              My mom would go to the comissary and stock up on everything. She would have 25 huge cans of coffee, and she lived alone!! I think I currently have stuff in there that is out of date, we just don't use it.

