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How long without grocery shopping?

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  • #31
    Re: How long without grocery shopping?

    And as to the Pampered Chef thing, I love them! My best friend sells it and I have pretty much single handedly kept her in business. I got a lot of free stuff and 1/2 priced items by hosting as well.


    • #32
      Re: How long without grocery shopping?

      Originally posted by PrincessPerky
      umm speaking of powdered when you cook do you mix it up, or put pwder in with dry and extra water in with wet?
      I have done both. For example, in my blender soups, I dump in powdered milk and water into the pitcher. At this point I eyeball the proportion. If I already have some made in the fridge, I'll pour that.

      I am finally happy with my milk making system. I use a wide mouth quart canning jar. I put in powder and milk and put the lid on and shake. It pours easily, fits in the fridge easily, is a great size for us, and the final key: really easy to wash. I was using old juice jugs and getting irritated when I was washing them. The wide mouth is a dream to wash.


      • #33
        Re: How long without grocery shopping?

        Hey I use a wide mouth mason jar too!! Great minds think alike! ang yes it works perfectly!


        • #34
          Re: How long without grocery shopping?

          If you use powdered milk, and eggs or freeze your eggs, and you don't have an aversion for canned/frozen produce, then not shopping for 6 months to a year is elementary for the frugal minded.

          Buy bulk "everything" (toiletries, household products, etc), get a bread machine, and a freezer and you won't "need" to go to the store for anything.


          • #35
            Re: How long without grocery shopping?

            So the story goes. I will be fugally getting ready this week.......I will start a new thread when I start!


            • #36
              Re: How long without grocery shopping?

              I admire those of you who can go a long time without grocery shopping.


              • #37
                Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                Originally posted by boefixepa
                Flash are you talking about the 'No spending Challenge' or the 'No grocery shopping for three months' challenge?

                I will start the no grocery shopping challenge after I finish my 'no spending' challenge. It will apply only to grocery shopping. I will write out rules for me and such when I actually start it next week.
                I did the no spend challenge, but started my own "no spending spree" challenge. I have bread and produce in the freezer, frig is stocked, and I can make bread up. DH has a requirement for fresh soy milk, medical, so that may be an exception. But for now, I've been "spend free" for over a week.

                Are you doing a separate challenge on this?


                • #38
                  Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                  Yes, and I am hoping to start on Monday....I must say it's a rather odd internal battle is waging, but I know it's just a farce! Really I can't think of one thing I'd WANT to make that I couldn't get I can still feel the nerves about it. I think I'll just tell myself to shut up and do it.


                  • #39
                    Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                    I could never do this becasue having fresh vegetables and fruits is too important to me. It is such a pleasure and it doesn't cost me any extra. I hit farmers markets and the grocery at least every other day.


                    • #40
                      Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                      I could go 4-6 weeks.


                      • #41
                        Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                        Originally posted by mariec99
                        I could never do this becasue having fresh vegetables and fruits is too important to me. It is such a pleasure and it doesn't cost me any extra. I hit farmers markets and the grocery at least every other day.
                        I completely agree. I can see how limiting grocery shopping can save money for some, but it wouldn't work for me.

                        I can see stocking up cheaply on non-perishables--rice, pasta, canned/preserved goods, baking supplies, and condiments--but the bulk of my diet comes from fresh, seasonal produce (that is on sale, of course! ). I could go without shopping for two weeks, but I'd be courting malnutrition!

                        For those of you trying this challenge, care to enlighten me on exactly what you'd eat? I'm curious to know!



                        • #42
                          Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                          I can and often have gone a month, but I have to prepare for it by freezing some milk ahead of time-thats easy to do, just take about 1 cup out of each gallon to allow for expansion as it freezes. Be sure to shake well to remix the fats in after it thaws.


                          • #43
                            Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                            Originally posted by boefixepa
                            I too gave up all proceeded foods! My health has improved greatly and I feel great. I cook from scratch so I think that would make this challenge easier for me. As for someone taking your stock pile..... how are they going to know you have it? Part of the reason this challenge as appeal to me is that it give a chance to use up and rotate my storage a bit faster.

                            Case in point...I hate measuring messy shortening. I don't use it often so I just buy the 1 cup sticks. A horrible waste of money. I have a four lbs tub sitting under the cupboard, but I never bother because the stick are so much easier...I need to use the big tub! If I run out of the stick and I don't allow myself to replace them, then I use the tub!

                            I made a list of the few things I think I'd need to give this a go and after my two week challenge is over on Tuesday I'm think I'm going to pick them up and give a try! I figure if I start now I'll be finished before Thanksgiving when all the cooking stuff goes on sale and I can then restock my pantry!

                            How about you take that tub of shortening, and measure out individual one-cup packages? Then it will be all ready for you to use, but you also get the cheaper price.

                            I'm not really sure that I understand why one would want to avoid the grocery store, afterall, while you've using up your stockpiles, which I presume you intitially purchased during sales -- you'll miss out on all sorts of sales & closeouts, and frankly, I consider that to be pretty dangerous nowadays with the constant thread of possible terrorist attack and/or avian flu outbreak.

                            I find lots of stuff on clearance at grocery stores around here, because I shop frequently for fresh produce.... I'm simply missing what is the point of avoiding grocery stores and eating up all my emergency supplies during a NON-emergency?


                            • #44
                              Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                              Mountainmist...I've got a good year's supply of food. I just need to rotate some stuff and use it up and it's just....interesting to see if you could do it. I'm two months in and so far so good. Also, not a bad idea on the shortening...I'll ponder that one!


                              • #45
                                Re: How long without grocery shopping?

                                Many people purchase bulk items of one type of food or another, and once home, immediately divide it up into individual servings, and then store it.

                                However, I'd like to point out that if you purchase plain Crisco, there are many factsheets online about food storage which state that unopened plain shortening has an indefinite shelf life.

                                In fact, it's something I plan to purchase some small cans of to put into emergency storage, and simply forget about it as it can't go bad. Salt is another item, that if it's properly packaged simply doesn't deteriorate, so shelf life is described as "indefinite."

