Where Can I get the Best Student Loans ??? - Also If I want a student loan for living expenses - Does the lender give that money to me directly or do they give it to the school? - What are some good places to get the best student loans (private) like wells fargo, citibank, ect.... What are some of the best places offering the best deals?
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Student Loans For Living Expenses???
I'm getting the feeling from your threads that you want to borrow money to go to school, live on, and invest. In my opinion, this is a VERY BAD idea. I sincerely hope that you will take the time to learn a bit before you make some big mistakes that will haunt you for years to come. Please think about it.
Your best bet is to grab a subsidized student loan via a FAFSA application. With this type of loan, you don't start accruing interest during the deferral period. The federal government recently took over all student loan operations, so I doubt you'll find a traditional student loan opportunity at your lending institution. You will most likely have to go for a personal loan, which can carry high interest rates.