I wondering, when do you stop playing catch up and start living? I mean in the sense, where you only have mortgage debt, and are debt free otherwise? And are satisfied with saving for retirement, sinking funds, and are able to save for luxuries like vacations, home repairs, newer cars, college, etc and then still have money left over? I guess when you are saving for everything and have nothing left to "save" for, but can buy anything. And that left over money can be invested?
When do you reach that point? I sort of feel like we won't get there for another 5 years at least, so mid to late 30s at the earliest. That we really have a lot of pots of money/savings to fill before we can really get to building wealth. I'm not sure if this is typical or not.
When do you reach that point? I sort of feel like we won't get there for another 5 years at least, so mid to late 30s at the earliest. That we really have a lot of pots of money/savings to fill before we can really get to building wealth. I'm not sure if this is typical or not.