I have loans outstanding and would appreciate advice on which I should pay down first (or consolidate)...
Note: Loan B is a *Variable* Rate + I have an additional line of credit available of $35K through this loan.
I was thinking I should throw extra money each month to pay down the higher rate loan first (A) because it'll be easier to reduce and is a higher rate right now. However, Equity Loan B has more outstanding and is a variable loan so there is some risk there that interest rates might rise, quickly and I'll end up paying more in interest there 'someday'.
Any recommendations are much appreciated.
- Home Mortgage - $85K @ 5% Fixed Rate (~12yrs left on the mortgage)
- Equity Loan A - $19K @ 6.9% Fixed Rate (min. payment ~ $150/mo)
- Equity Loan B - $46K @ 3.76% Variable (min. payment ~ $150/mo currently)
Note: Loan B is a *Variable* Rate + I have an additional line of credit available of $35K through this loan.
I was thinking I should throw extra money each month to pay down the higher rate loan first (A) because it'll be easier to reduce and is a higher rate right now. However, Equity Loan B has more outstanding and is a variable loan so there is some risk there that interest rates might rise, quickly and I'll end up paying more in interest there 'someday'.
Any recommendations are much appreciated.