Ok all you financial guru's i need your help. I've got close to 30k coming to me in the form of an inheritance and I'm wondering what to do with it. I always thought I'd just put 10k in each of my 3 children's college funds but now I'm hesitant to do that worrying it may not be my best move. Our 3 kids are 6, 8 & 11 years away from college. We just started 529 accounts for them a few years ago. Here's our stats:
Gross 70k/yr
House loan $59,709.35 @ 6.8% fixed left will paid off Jan 2017 = 765/mo + extra $50 applied to principal
HEL 10k @ 4% fixed for 5 yrs =188/mo pay off 2013
27k in Mutual Fund
116k in retirement funds
19k emergency fund
Then kids 529's
kid 1 who has 6 years till college $4,500..$121 mo contribution
kid 2 who has 8 years till college $4,500..$108 mo contribution
kid 3 who has 11 years till college $4,100..$96 mo contribution
I was just putting 50 per kid up until a few months ago and then I found an online calculator and it told me to put the current monthly contributions in for each kid assuming I had 10k more in each one...and then I'd have enough to pay roughly 1/2 of each kids college. That's why I thought I should just put the 10k each to their 529's. We are so behind from all the daycare years that we couldn't contribute. But now I don't know would it be better to put more towards the house? for retirement? my husband does work for the county and will get a pension of roughly 70% of his pay I believe...he only makes around 42k...but we live pretty frugally and have been able to do all we want on our income. So what do you think would be the most advanatgeous thing for me to do with this money. Thanks for your help. Oh we are me 41 and DH 44
Gross 70k/yr
House loan $59,709.35 @ 6.8% fixed left will paid off Jan 2017 = 765/mo + extra $50 applied to principal
HEL 10k @ 4% fixed for 5 yrs =188/mo pay off 2013
27k in Mutual Fund
116k in retirement funds
19k emergency fund
Then kids 529's
kid 1 who has 6 years till college $4,500..$121 mo contribution
kid 2 who has 8 years till college $4,500..$108 mo contribution
kid 3 who has 11 years till college $4,100..$96 mo contribution
I was just putting 50 per kid up until a few months ago and then I found an online calculator and it told me to put the current monthly contributions in for each kid assuming I had 10k more in each one...and then I'd have enough to pay roughly 1/2 of each kids college. That's why I thought I should just put the 10k each to their 529's. We are so behind from all the daycare years that we couldn't contribute. But now I don't know would it be better to put more towards the house? for retirement? my husband does work for the county and will get a pension of roughly 70% of his pay I believe...he only makes around 42k...but we live pretty frugally and have been able to do all we want on our income. So what do you think would be the most advanatgeous thing for me to do with this money. Thanks for your help. Oh we are me 41 and DH 44