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Quick money saving tips

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  • Quick money saving tips

    Anyone got any quick money saving tips? The higher interest rates go the more you want to be a saver than a borrower and so I am trying to get there!

    I will start with this one...

    Making your own lunch rather than buying it. $4 a day saved = $960 saved a year if you do it 5 days a week 48 weeks a year.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Mike_Joiner View Post
    Making your own lunch rather than buying it. $4 a day saved = $960 saved a year if you do it 5 days a week 48 weeks a year.
    I'm already reaping the dividends from this one. I've learned to love PB&J again. I assume it's healthier for me in the long run too, compared to a Big 'N' Nasty from McDonald's.

    I'm also avoiding the vending machine. They raised the prices on candy bars and chips. I make sure to bring a cereal bar each day so I can fight the afternoon munchies.


    • #3
      during the summer period, ride to work rather than driving, not only do you save money, if you live in an urban area, you'd get to work quicker and save the environment while you're at it!


      • #4
        My husband has always taken his lunch to work; when I worked I did too even tho I worked in a restaurant.
        If eating out, order water to drink. It's free and good for you.


        • #5
          Setting the thermostat higher when you're away from home will save a good little bit.

          And, as the old Depression-era saying went:

          Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.


          • #6
            Only if you can afford it.
            Pay someone else if it will cost you less in the long run.

            My example for this would be my lawn service. Keep in mind we have 1.5 acres.
            My time: 3-1/2 hours/week cutting, trimming, blowing sidewalk/driveway clear, routine maintenance, etc. 1 to 1-1/2 days of recovery due to my allergies making it difficult to breath (and also additional cost of medication, especially when I would get a sinus infection).
            Their time: 1.25 hours/week for $55 (yes, only that much for 1.5 acres).

            My annual cost: $200 in medication/doctors visits, $250 in gas/oil, this is ignoring initial cost of large riding mower
            I pay them: $1,100


            • #7
              using coupons and buying items on sale. Also, some grocery stores discount their produce on certain days of the week. Schedule your grocery shopping for that day.


              • #8
                Try staying out of the stores as much as possible and going in with a list.


                • #9
                  Never borrow money... EVER!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by devils_advocate View Post
                    I'm already reaping the dividends from this one. I've learned to love PB&J again. I assume it's healthier for me in the long run too, compared to a Big 'N' Nasty from McDonald's.

                    I'm also avoiding the vending machine. They raised the prices on candy bars and chips. I make sure to bring a cereal bar each day so I can fight the afternoon munchies.
                    My local cubicle-mates and I keep a jar of community peanuts around. When the morning or afternoon hungries hit, grab a handful of peanuts. We take turns buying them.

                    Cheaper and more healthy than a trip to the vending machine. Then wash them down with water instead of soda.
                    seek knowledge, not answers
                    personal finance


                    • #11
                      Um... don't eat out?


                      • #12
                        Back in November I was reading money-saving tips for people who don't have money to save. Not really something that applies to me but it's something I'm interested in. One of the tips was to set aside all of your $1 bills at the end of the night. Now, 10-11 months later I have about $500 set aside. No idea how I'm going to cash them all in though. I keep teasing my fiance they'll make for one heck of a bachelor party!


                        • #13
                          Going along with taking your lunch and own munchies...make your own coffee and take it with you either in a thermos or an insulated cup. Buying it at a coffee shop can be outrageous.

                          I also take bottled water to work with me. Actually, I reuse the bottles quite a few times...I have one of those filter pitchers so I bring the bottles home and refill them and keep them stockpiled. Figure I'm saving money and less plastic in the landfills.

                          My other suggestion is when buying groceries on sale, cook extra to either freeze or use for leftovers. I made goulash and made a little extra. We had it for dinner twice and also had three lunches out of it. I found the elbow macaroni on sale.


                          • #14
                            I brew my own coffee at home. Starbucks is rougly $3.00 a cup x 5 days week x 52 weeks a year yeilds a savings of $780.00


                            • #15
                              I've been trying to reduce my spending (and increase savings) for the past 3-4 months. Here are the things I focus on:

                              bring lunches 3+ days per week
                              don't buy coffee when I can get it free at work
                              pay more attention to sales for groceries/toilettries - buy in bulk when on sale
                              track spending
                              think about every purchase
                              reduce number of times we order in or buy take out for dinner

