If you are counting the days until the next payday comes around, you’re not alone. And we're not talking Jane and Joe Six Pack here.
Some 21 percent of those with salaries of $100,000 or more say they are living paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder.com.
While experts are quick to acknowledge that high gasoline prices, the slumping housing market and a generally weak economy are weighing on consumers' finances, they also agree that the general difficulty in making ends meet is also the result of persistently bad spending and saving habits that are now catching up with the spendthrift American...
Living Paycheck to Paycheck On $100,000 - Personal Finance * US * News * Story - CNBC.com
Some 21 percent of those with salaries of $100,000 or more say they are living paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder.com.
While experts are quick to acknowledge that high gasoline prices, the slumping housing market and a generally weak economy are weighing on consumers' finances, they also agree that the general difficulty in making ends meet is also the result of persistently bad spending and saving habits that are now catching up with the spendthrift American...
Living Paycheck to Paycheck On $100,000 - Personal Finance * US * News * Story - CNBC.com