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Brexit! Watch out!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bjl584 View Post
    Be quick. I would suspect that the fear and panic that this Brexit vote is causing will fade rather quickly.
    Nah, the stock market is grossly overvalued due to all the cheap credit from the U.S's low interest rates. Warren Buffett can't even find anything to buy currently. I am predicting that we will head to around 15500 on the dow from this..and that's if the Asian market doesn't crash like crazy as well..and no major terrorist attacks in the near future. Also our current month's job report will most likely be a disappointment like May's so that will further crashes the market. I LOVE IT! Finally I can make some return from the stock market!

    You wonder why gold increased when the stock market was doing really well this year?...this is why...everyone has their hand on the panic button..just waiting for something crazy to happen because everyone know there's a stock market bubble.
    Last edited by Singuy; 06-24-2016, 04:51 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by tomhole View Post
      Time to buy more. Stocks on sale!
      I just started my new 401k at my new job so for that, this is perfect. Of course, it wrecks all of our existing accounts. I do have a fairly large cash position in my Roth right now though so I can use that to pick up some stuff at reduced prices.

      * Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
      * Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
      * There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.


      • #18
        lol at gold...and lol at this "crash." Time to funnel money into my index and roth runds. awesome.

        Also...when did it become so cool to smash words together? Did this start with brangelina or was that bennifer? Now we have terms like hangry (hungry+angry)...actually I cant think of any others at the moment thankfully. God the media sucks for coining these terms.


        • #19
          Unless you are invested in all CASH, Almost all EQUITIES will be the BIG FAT LOSSERS!

          Got debt?


          • #20
            Originally posted by tripods68 View Post
            Unless you are invested in all CASH, Almost all EQUITIES will be the BIG FAT LOSSERS!

            LOVE IT!!@~@#

            You can't get 25% returns without - 25% crashes.

            If this crash is really awesome, I'll take out 500k in home equity and dump it in the index fund..only if it's a super awesome crash. Wouldn't do it if it's just a simple correction.


            • #21
              Hope the dow plunges 1000 points today. Then another 1000 on monday. Doubt it will but I would take it. Have a bunch of liquid cash sitting in checking coincidentally so the timing is good.

              Was going to sign up for a citi checking account to snag a $400 bonus which requires a $15k deposit for 30 days but may wait another week or two to open that account up.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Singuy View Post
                I'll take out 500k in home equity and dump it in the index fund.
                Dumbest and probably most stupidest you can make to trade equities to lose your house, ok! Next!
                Got debt?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rennigade View Post
                  Hope the dow plunges 1000 points today. Then another 1000 on monday. Doubt it will but I would take it. Have a bunch of liquid cash sitting in checking coincidentally so the timing is good.

                  Was going to sign up for a citi checking account to snag a $400 bonus which requires a $15k deposit for 30 days but may wait another week or two to open that account up.
                  Down 500 points at the open


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by tripods68 View Post
                    Dumbest and probably most stupidest you can make to trade equities to lose your house, ok! Next!

                    1. House is paid off
                    2. We can afford the interest/mortgage fact we can pay off this 500k in 2 years
                    3. how is this any different vs not paying off your mortgage faster but put it in the stock market and invest(getting a better return than interest rate charged)?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bjl584 View Post
                      (DJIA) Down 500 points at the open
                      That's a mere 2.8%, and it's rebounded 1% since then.

                      The S&P500 immediately dropped 2.7%, but has slightly rebounded since to only 2.1%.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Singuy View Post

                        1. House is paid off
                        2. We can afford the interest/mortgage fact we can pay off this 500k in 2 years
                        3. how is this any different vs not paying off your mortgage faster but put it in the stock market and invest(getting a better return than interest rate charged)?

                        Arbitraging strategy have a long LOSING HISTORY! Please do some research first, before I vomit once again. See Financial Crisis!
                        Got debt?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tripods68 View Post
                          Arbitraging strategy have a long LOSING HISTORY! Please do some research first, before I vomit once again. See Financial Crisis!
                          So if you have 500k in cash right now, you can either pay off your mortgage or invest into the stock market, it's a stupid thing to do if you invest? That's arbitraging?

                          I feel like 80% of the people on this board will rather invest than to pay off their 3.5% mortgage.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Singuy View Post
                            So if you have 500k in cash right now, you can either pay off your mortgage or invest into the stock market, it's a stupid thing to do if you invest? That's arbitraging?

                            I feel like 80% of the people on this board will rather invest than to pay off their 3.5% mortgage.

                            If you took out X amount from your home equity (house that was free & clear), to invest in the stock market in order to gain X amount of return, that's ABITRAGE.

                            Now, excuse me once again I have to VOMIT
                            Got debt?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by tripods68 View Post
                              If you took out X amount from your home equity (house that was free & clear), to invest in the stock market in order to gain X amount of return, that's ABITRAGE.

                              Now, excuse me once again I have to VOMIT
                              You really need to help me see the difference between that and what people like Disney Steve is doing, rather put his paychecks in the stock market vs his house.

                              If there's a financial housing crisis, wouldn't someone like him be in the same situation as someone who took out free equity and invested?

                              Please be more helpful vs throwing insults around. Thanks.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Singuy View Post
                                You really need to help me see the difference between that and what people like Disney Steve is doing, rather put his paychecks in the stock market vs his house.

                                If there's a financial housing crisis, wouldn't someone like him be in the same situation as someone who took out free equity and invested?

                                Please be more helpful vs throwing insults around. Thanks.

                                I only insult bad idea. That's why I ask you again do some research! What you are doing has been done, long before the market crash in 2008.

                                While most of us invest regularly in the stock market (monthly contributions as such), I don't ADVISE people to lose their home so they can invest in the stock market. That's exactly how many people have lose their homes. I may have been blatant, that's because I detest arbitrage, and helped caused market crashed. I've seen it personally having worked for big bank like Wells Fargo and clienteles who have lost everything.

                                Now you may earn more than most people, that's fine and may take greater risk and great in all. Hope things work out for you! My advise is not to insult you, but insult bad idea. Take that advise for what its worth. There always exceptions. Its free advise that didn't cost you $$

                                As a long term investor, I still manage risk and approach investment prudently as most investors should.
                                Last edited by tripods68; 06-24-2016, 09:49 AM.
                                Got debt?

