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NOW what bank's next???

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  • NOW what bank's next???

    Some smaller ones that won't be able to hang on for long: FirstFed and Downey S&L. I say Downey goes down first.

  • #2
    Originally posted by boosami View Post
    NOW what bank's next???
    (to anybody that reads this: ) ... yours!

    Anyone noticed that bank failures are causing less and less fuss lately? People are getting used to them collapsing, so many people aren't freaking out nearly as much as initially. Sure, locally people might be concerned, but nationally, even Wachovia's buyout has caused very little stir.


    • #3
      National City and NLY will probably be next.

      Reality is that regional banks will be next. Their exposure to commercial real estate loans even ARM commercial real estate loans will be hitting soon.


      • #4
        There's no one else on my list. All of them have fallen, including a couple that I wasn't anticipating.

        That doesn't mean there aren't any more or that there aren't any smaller ones that are vulnerable. I just don't know anyone else right now. But all the big ones I've been keeping an eye on have gone. Bailout SHOULD be right around the corner too, but who knows?

        We'll have to see.


        • #5
          Nat City has been doing badly since the Spring, but continue to maintain that they don't have a problem with capital. Despite the currently minute share price, I don't think Nat City is folding anytime soon.


          • #6
            In my view answer to this question can be given after we analyse the financials of the bank or a financial institution. It will all depend upon how fundamentaly strong is the bank. What is the capital adequecy ratio of the bank? How much spare capital the bank has provided for its risk weighted assets. What constitutes the portfolio of the bank on assets side...If you are able to find answers to these questions then certainly you will come to know which would be the next bank

