Here's something interesting. After you've voted, now go measure your actual time.
I decided to measure my online leisure time (e.g. reading news, reading articles, research stocks, participating in forums, streaming video/music, shopping). Wikipedia is evil ! Once you dive into an article, you just get trapped in its links.
I measure by just casually timing myself for the past week, so the measurement is probably a lower bound of my normal (I know because of the extra step of keeping time, I sometimes just didn't bother going online).
The result is surprising!
Over a 1 week period, I spent approximately 3hrs per day during online entertainment. I was expecting maybe 1 hr (actually less). It's not that I think online entertainment is bad, it is more the surprise that I don't notice how much time I spend on it.
3 hrs/day = 21hr/wk; that's a lot of time !
Now, as the saying goes: time is money, that 21hr/wk (instead of my expected < 7 hr/wk), is a lot.
I decided to measure my online leisure time (e.g. reading news, reading articles, research stocks, participating in forums, streaming video/music, shopping). Wikipedia is evil ! Once you dive into an article, you just get trapped in its links.
I measure by just casually timing myself for the past week, so the measurement is probably a lower bound of my normal (I know because of the extra step of keeping time, I sometimes just didn't bother going online).
The result is surprising!
Over a 1 week period, I spent approximately 3hrs per day during online entertainment. I was expecting maybe 1 hr (actually less). It's not that I think online entertainment is bad, it is more the surprise that I don't notice how much time I spend on it.
3 hrs/day = 21hr/wk; that's a lot of time !
Now, as the saying goes: time is money, that 21hr/wk (instead of my expected < 7 hr/wk), is a lot.