What's your thoughts regarding having some background radio or music going in the office work environment? Seems like it sometimes gets almost funeral home like quiet here in the office at times, wondering if that wouldn't liven folks up a bit?
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Music in the office?
Are you talking about your own personal work space or a shared office environment?
If it is just you, listen to whatever you'd like.
If it is a shared space with multiple people working, I'd say no. Some people work well with background music, others don't, plus everyone's taste is different.
Most of the time, probably 98-99%, I keep my office quiet. I find music to be a distraction. Every now and then I get in the mood to have some music and will play something on the computer but will still turn it off when I'm doing something that requires my full concentration.
We have a TV in the waiting room and just hearing that from my office is annoying and I sometimes need to close the door to block it out.Steve
* Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
* Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
* There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.
Originally posted by Fishindude77 View PostWas thinking background sound for the entire office.Steve
* Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
* Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
* There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.
Originally posted by Fishindude77 View PostWas thinking background sound for the entire office. I like to keep some music going in my shop at home while doing projects, but that's just me solo.
Some offices I've been in have music playing.
A bit off topic, but I actually despise televisions in waiting rooms, specifically doctors and dentists. It is always up way to loud and as someone who tends to be a bit anxious it just makes it worse.
I don't mind background music, but the volume needs to be appropriate, which is low enough to have a conversation.My other blog is Your Organized Friend.
I personally work both ways... When I need to have strict focus, I require either absolute quiet, or I need non-lyrical music going in a pair of headphones. Strangely, music in headphones help me focus, but I find background music to be slightly distracting, though not tremendously so.
Most of the 8-10 folks in my office prefer to have the radio going. So as long as it's kept at a quiet, comfortable level (as stated by CCF, quiet enough to have an undisturbed conversation), I'm happy to let them keep it going. In most cases, none of us require absolute focus -- we do a lot of our work as a group, which leads to conversation (a mild distraction of its own) while we work.
Now, the office adjoining ours...is horrifically distracting. They have 2 individuals who have 2 volumes to their voices: LOUD AND BASICALLY YELLING; and asleep. ugh...
I vote no to having universal music. I'd feel like I was working at Kmart. They play that crappy playlist while you are trying to shop.
I'd be ok with people playing their own personal music in their own personal workspace so long as it doesn't annoy others or cause them to become distracted.Brian
I'd say to ask the people in the office.
I worked in an environment where we had music. Everyone brought in their music and we rotated through it. I don't think it was a 24/7 thing, but when things were kind of slow maybe.
In my current office I Would not want to listen to anyone else's music, but I need a lot more brain power for my job. When I briefly had a cubicle I just used earphones to listen to my own music (when I am working on more brainless stuff).
I'd say it depends on the people and the work.
Musical taste can be so personal too. Elevator music makes me want to fall asleep so putting it in a waiting room, where I already may not have gotten sleep due to illness, is not a good idea.
When I am working, I like music with no words, but somewhat upbeat. But no music is ok too.
And some music.......well, I would much rather have NONE than listen to it.
I vote no unless it is your personal area with a closed door.
I visited patients in this one weird assisted living facility that piped Muzak into the rooms and the patients couldn't turn it off! I heard the Clash Train in Vain in Muzak and decided if I lived there, that would be the sign it is time for me to leave this mortal coil. The woman I was seeing was paying $4500 a month for a small studio apt and had to listen to that 16 hrs a day.