Just a quick question for the moms out there. I know that the standard gifts are a card, flowers and chocolate, but what do you really want? If you could be 100% selfish for the day, what are the things you'd want your family to do or give you for Mom's Day?
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Moms, what do you really want?
Originally posted by altcur View PostJust a quick question for the moms out there. I know that the standard gifts are a card, flowers and chocolate, but what do you really want? If you could be 100% selfish for the day, what are the things you'd want your family to do or give you for Mom's Day?
You know your mom, does she prefer gifts that are an indulgence or those that are mostly practical? Does she prefer your offering time to help her with a chore/activity or a gift card for a service? Does she have a favourite restaurant or like to cook and have a glint in her eye from those high end 'toys' at Wm Sonoma? If she gardens, buy her nursery starters and help plant, if not buy a pretty bouquet at the grocery and deliver it yourself with a small box of top quality, [healthy] dark chocolate.
Our mom loved quality jewelry so we all chipped in and bought her 18K- 24K, gem stone earrings that cost several hundred dollars. One year we decided each occasion [birthday, anniversary, Mother's Day, Christmas] would be gem stone to reflex each of her 4 children's birthdays. I've twin brothers so for Mother's Day the gift was a 'family' ring.
For my last birthday DS2 bought me the largest container I've ever seen of my favourite lotion. I'll remember it always because he actually knew/was observant enough to notice that I loved this particular product.
Honestly, just a nice day with my family! I want a repeat of today - my in-laws took us out for breakfast, my 2 boys and I weeded and planted the vegetable garden and some flowers (well, they're 3 and 6 so they got bored quickly and I did most of it, but still ) Then we snuggled in bed together, watched cartoons, and had a nice pasta dinner. Then we watched live concerts on tv until bedtime - blew my kids' minds to see that real people actually sing their favorite songs!
I don't need anything that costs money. I work 2 jobs and have 2 kids, and don't often have downtime to just enjoy each other. Today was perfect.
But if there has to be something of monetary value, wine and chocolate ice cream!
I am retired & on a VERY tight budget.
I have a number of things on my Amazon wish list and both DD have prime.
I LOVE gift cards to local restaurants to 'treat' myself because that part of my monthly budget is non-existant.
I love to get mani/pedi several times/year & for special ocassions - gift certs LOVED.
My wife and I stopped buying gifts for mothers/fathers day years ago. Instead, she simply chooses what she wants to do that day, and she has no responsibilities (no cleaning, cooking, etc). She gets to relax, read a book, take a nap...seek knowledge, not answers
personal finance
I always do surprise my mother on mother’s day. However I used to give her conventional candles (natural/non-toxic ones), but last I year I gave her ditch format flatware plates with writings on it.
But I can suggest you one cool thing for your mom, get her something like teacups with flourish designs where real flowers are dead in three days and this will last forever.
I always LOVE getting a box of See's Chocolates, but any excuse is good for that, so it's not necessary for Mother's Day.
Last year DD(8) made coupons for Mother's Day, one of which volunteered DH to wash my car Another allowed me to choose any movie I wanted to watch, but included a list of exclusions... These are my favorite gifts because they still make me smile after the fact (and I'm not redeeming them because I plan to keep them forever). I guess I really just want to spend a fun day with my family- this should include, but is not limited to, DH not getting distracted by his cell phone...
I've got little ones, so the best gift ever would be a morning where I could sleep uninterrupted until noon. Then read the Sunday NY Times quietly to myself with a cup of coffee and a bagel before going for a jog. But I am not holding my breath. I think that will be easier in a few years.
A gift certificate for a massage would be nice too.
I also love to get homemade stuff from my kids.
I'm not too big on flowers and chocolates.