Is there an income or point where you can stop worrying about how much you spend? Either you have no debts and just income so it doesn't matter? Or enough income to cover everything?
I ask because I know we preach frugality here, but I have a friend who is very wealthy. Well more than a few. They can pretty much afford everything they want no worries about anything. To them they eat out every meal, pay for whatever they want, and still won't run out of money. They worked hard to earn it, got some from family, and are definitely in the wealth section.
But even those who I know didn't come from wealthy families but make a lot now, spend without worry. Do you think if you made say $500k there wouldn't be a need to worry about eating out all the time? Or buying uggs @ $150 for a 4 year old? Or paying $100 for a north face jacket? These are all things I can't fathom doing and can't afford obviously, but they can. And I know they are all very conservative saving for college, retirement, paying off homes in 10 years, etc. But they think nothing of dropping $9k on airfare to europe, or $20k for a 2 week vacation.
I just wondered it is possible to earn enough that however you much you spend you can still earn enough to not worry right? But how much do you need to make $500k?
I ask because I know we preach frugality here, but I have a friend who is very wealthy. Well more than a few. They can pretty much afford everything they want no worries about anything. To them they eat out every meal, pay for whatever they want, and still won't run out of money. They worked hard to earn it, got some from family, and are definitely in the wealth section.
But even those who I know didn't come from wealthy families but make a lot now, spend without worry. Do you think if you made say $500k there wouldn't be a need to worry about eating out all the time? Or buying uggs @ $150 for a 4 year old? Or paying $100 for a north face jacket? These are all things I can't fathom doing and can't afford obviously, but they can. And I know they are all very conservative saving for college, retirement, paying off homes in 10 years, etc. But they think nothing of dropping $9k on airfare to europe, or $20k for a 2 week vacation.
I just wondered it is possible to earn enough that however you much you spend you can still earn enough to not worry right? But how much do you need to make $500k?