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health insurance and employer

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  • health insurance and employer

    I'm currently a stay at home mom to one child. My husband works full time. He's been there about 11 years(he was laid off once for a year and this was 2 years ago but they called him back)
    There are roughly 200 employees of different ranks. We pay roughly $200 or so a week for our health insurance. Employer pays the rest. This is for 3 people. Its decent insurance with about a 2k deductable which is fine with me.

    They sent out a letter a couple months ago saying that any new employees they hire have new rules for health insurance. The letter stated that the employer will only pay for the employee and any dependents will not be covered unless the employee pays the full difference.
    Employees already employed will not be subject to this.(as of yet anyway)
    I think it's crappy. It means a new guy coming in with a wife and kid will get insurance paid for himself(of course he'll pay a percentage for it for himself) but if he wants to insure wife and kids he has to pay the full difference. I know when dh got laid off cobra was very pricey so we opted out.
    The employer has not been known to do layoffs regularly but when my husband was laid off before and called back ,he came in as new employee and had to wait 4 months for insurance and lost vacation days etc.

    The message to me from them is:we don't want to pay your healthcare(I know it's gotta be hard for them being so pricey, I get it) and I wonder if next year they take it away. It's an auto supplier non union and my dh is an engineer type.

  • #2
    If you are paying $200/WEEK I think you should already have been investigating insurance bought privately.
    "There is some ontological doubt as to whether it may even be possible in principle to nail down these things in the universe we're given to study." --text msg from my kid

    "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." --Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      $200 a week is at least $800 a month, and that sounds really high to me, which leads me to think your husband's employer isn't paying much towards your health insurance as it is. Out of curiosity, do you know what percentage of the cost your husband's employer pays now? It seems like it's probably not even 50%.

      I tend to think paying for health insurance for an employee's family's insurance ends up making things a bit unfair. It means the employer could hire two equally skilled people at the same wage and end up paying more for one than the other based on whether or not they have families.

      On the other hand, I think paying for an employee's family's insurance supports families. So, if an employer wants to call itself "family friendly," I think it should cover an employee's family's health insurance.

      I think it's unlikely that your husband's employer will go a step further and stop grandfathering in existing employees. But, I wouldn't be surprised if they cut back the percent they pay even move. In general, I'd say that if you're unhappy with the way an employer is treating it's employees, it might be time to start looking for a new employer.


      • #4
        Actually I have to clarify my husband's employer charges us $200 a month for the insurance.
        That's not too bad. We pay it AFTER taxes. They send out a letter yearly letting us know how much they are paying for the whole company and it's unreal how high it is.

        The employer has an office building with skilled desk job guys with experience and education(like my husband) and a small factory that churns out the parts for cars and things like that(these employees are basically doing unskilled line work and they get paid like $9 an hour. No union).
        I know the employer usually says the medical costs go up about 20% a year.

        I personally feel that relying on your employer for money and health insurance just gives them too much power over you in general.

        I don't have any strong opionions about national healthcare. I'm not a very political person, and don't think I am democratic or Republican. However, I don't understand why people are so against national healthcare(the cost I guess) bc we have medicaid for low income poor people already. No one is rallying to take away mediciad as far as I see. It seems unfair to me that I know folks on medicaid without jobs and if you work or have some savings bc you were frugal you get no help. It seems to me crazy we're working and will loose everything to a medical bill if uninsured. It's like why even work then? Just to loose it all bc you have no control over layoffs?
        I"m not terribly informed on the issue however, and dont know where it's going.
        I just kow healthcare is my biggest concern financially(I am very healthy by the way, knock on wood)


        • #5
          I'm glad to hear you only pay $200 per month for insurance!
          Originally posted by Goldy1 View Post
          I personally feel that relying on your employer for money and health insurance just gives them too much power over you in general.

          I don't have any strong opionions about national healthcare. I'm not a very political person, and don't think I am democratic or Republican. However, I don't understand why people are so against national healthcare(the cost I guess) bc we have medicaid for low income poor people already. No one is rallying to take away mediciad as far as I see. It seems unfair to me that I know folks on medicaid without jobs and if you work or have some savings bc you were frugal you get no help. It seems to me crazy we're working and will loose everything to a medical bill if uninsured. It's like why even work then? Just to loose it all bc you have no control over layoffs?
          I"m not terribly informed on the issue however, and dont know where it's going.
          I just kow healthcare is my biggest concern financially(I am very healthy by the way, knock on wood)
          Personally, I dislike the idea of government health care because I don't like the idea of the government having that much control over me. At least when I get insurance through an employer, there is some chance of switching employers without moving to a different country. I'd probably be happiest if my employer would just say, "Here's the money we were going to spend on your health insurance. Go buy whatever coverage you like," and the government would say, "Oh, you don't want to buy insurance for yearly checkups, that's fine. Get whatever coverage you like." I wouldn't actual save money thanks to my preexisting condition, but at least I'd be in control.

          I think all forms of government assistance have the potential to lead to the unfairness you describe. The government puts in a safety net for those most in need of help, but it has to draw a line somewhere, and no matter where the line gets drawn, there will be people on one side abusing the system, and people on the other needing help and not getting it. I think the best anyone can do is to move themselves as far from the line as they can and step up and help those they see in need directly. Have you considered making sure you have an emergency fund to make sure you can afford Cobra or private insurance should you husband lose his job again?


          • #6
            You describe how something will always be unfair very well.
            Yea, we have an emergancy fund. The other part of private insurance is that the application process is so long and horrendous. If you omit one detail by mistake or something or are not sure how to word it you wonder if they won't pay if you need it. That's why I didn't buy it when we were laid off. I chanced it a year and nothin happened, and I can't imagine doing that again. I remember walking over rocks wondering how much a sprained ankle would set me back uninsured or eating too much fruit and getting a stomach cramp for 10 minutes wondering if its something like a stomach issue and going into anxiety over it(I'm normally a very happy laid back person)

            Also I have an emergency fund pretty stocked up and retirement savings so that's good advice. However, Joy! I just would love to spend $900 a month on Cobra! Sounds great lol esp if we have no income! Hey, I can just piss away all my money and then get medicaid! (I'm being sarcastic but this is the reason I support national healthcare and I say that knowing I don't know a lot about its pros and cons) Yea that's more than a little unfair to me. There probably are more cons than I know, but there have got to be some real pros.


            • #7
              Starting in 2014 if your employer doesn’t offer insurance, you will be able to buy it directly in an Affordable Insurance Exchange (Although several states are stating that they are not going to participate in the Health Care Exchange: Texas, Alabama, Forida, etc). An Exchange is a new transparent and competitive insurance marketplace where individuals and small businesses can buy affordable and qualified health benefit plans. Any company over 50 employees that does not offer health insurance will be force to pay a fine for not offering adequate health insurance. Unfortunately, implementation the health care act will depend, in large part, on how well the state and federal health insurance exchanges work.

              It sounds like you husbands company is in financial trouble and is looking to the shift costs on new employees. If I were your husband I would be looking for another job ASAP. It won't long before they start changing benefits for the existing employees and force them to pay more for health insurance or lay off existing employees so the can rehire new ones under the new terms.
              Last edited by muexm; 09-25-2012, 08:51 AM.


              • #8
                Well the news about 2014 sounds potentially promising.
                you aren't the only one to say my hubbie should look for a new job.

                He's kind of in a niche. He works on cad/cam software. He has been doing this since his early 20's and over 15 years expereince. He has been with employer about 11 years.

                This is almost embarrassing to even write, but he has not had a raise since he started(11 years). I am serious.. He makes just over $20 an hour. He was laid off for one year and took a couple buck pay cut when he got called back. He had a lot of trouble finding more work. He has an associates degree. The employers wanted more education(often masters) and the job descriptions were paragraphs long in detail for expereince. It was hard for him to match all the things they wanted. It seems the places who are hiring want you to have experience on a particular software program (there are many)doing not only a specific type of thing(making a kind of tool, material it's made of) and specific step of the process.
                He is very loyal, and acually likes his job and we can live off his income(he gets some OT and cost of living in Michigan is not very high IMO, and I"m on this board so I am frugal)
                BAsically I don't think he has much odds to get a new job, and its tough bc if he takes a job and doesn't like it then we're kind of in a pickleHe even took some training for new software that went nowhere
                I loved school as a college kid, but it's really tough going back to school when you are mid career and have a child and want to relax once in a while
                I would advice people to go into healthcare.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Goldy1 View Post
                  This is almost embarrassing to even write, but he has not had a raise since he started(11 years).
                  Not getting a raise in 11 years is beyond loyalty. That's plain disrespectful. Seriously, he needs to be looking for another job yesterday.


                  • #10
                    Yes it is disrespectful not getting a raise in 11 years. I agree. I know the whole adage about hoe employers aren't in business to do you a favor but to make money for themselves, but there is a point where you should go out of business if you really don't give a flying hoot about people.


                    • #11
                      Does "without a raise" also mean without a cost of living increase? Either way, it's rough, but if an employer doesn't at least throw out cost of living increases every few years, that's like giving pay cuts. Only you and your husband can decide what career move would make the two of you happiest, but after a decade without raises, I would definitely be exploring other options. There are a lot of lazy employers out there who refuse to look past your level of education or experience doing exactly what they want you to do, but there are some smart ones out there too who will try to really get a good sense of a person's abilities before making a hiring decision. I'd keep looking for one of the latter and carefully evaluate any offer before making a job change. If your husband hasn't done any job hunting since getting his old job back, you might be surprised to find it a bit easier to find opportunities now. People who have jobs tend to look like more attractive candidates that those who don't.


                      • #12
                        No hourly raises
                        no bonuses
                        no cost of living increase at all(I only heard of union jobs having that)
                        Many years ago they completely cut 401K match. He still puts in about 10% or 15% of his pay in there anyway(might be a bad move. We also contribute to a roth each year.
                        They used to match 401K and that was quite nice. no more.
                        They also charge more for insurance each year(which I can understand and is a different topic. I get that cost is a train off the rails for everyone)

                        I know the post went off topic with this, but I am totally not sure how to feel about his situation at all.

                        He is paid hourly. He is allowed to work overtime and encouraged to do so. I think it's quite ironic they are lax and generous about overtime since they are obviously cost conscious (to put is kindly lol)

                        I don't know. I mean, I met a woman today whose husband was laid off and out of work and they were renting a house(we own ours). I mean he makes over $20 an hour (I think it's like $21 or something)and we have insurance and it beats that, but I just really do not understand the no raise or technically less pay) for that long. It just seems confusing to me. I guess they know the have you by the %$#@ and they take advantage of it.
                        Funny thing is one time he was offered a position elsewhere doing the same work and he passed on it(that was about 7 years ago) A guy from the company left bc of these reasons and tried to recruit my dh over bc he's a good worker. Loyalty or just not leaving his comfort zone.

                        But where does it end? lol 25 years no raise???? lol I am serious.

                        I remember getting presents and a bonus at an employer after a 6 month length of employment and my husband had this "gee must be nice attitude when he saw it"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Goldy1 View Post
                          Yes it is disrespectful not getting a raise in 11 years. I agree. I know the whole adage about hoe employers aren't in business to do you a favor but to make money for themselves, but there is a point where you should go out of business if you really don't give a flying hoot about people.
                          As an employer, we haven't given most of our employees a raise in years, either. We also have never offered medical insurance or any other benefit. It's not because we don't give a flying hoot or are disrespectful. Not all employers are rich and raking in the dough (we certainly aren't). At least we are providing some work for a few. I'm not sure how going out of business would help anyone.


                          • #14
                            Daybyday I see your point and can see the perspective of an employee. Goin gout of business would not help us or anyone. However this long without a raise for everyone across the board just seems a little bit bad for work morale, but I appreciate people being owners of companies and being employers. It can't be easy.


                            • #15
                              I completely understand your point DayByDay but this company has bigger issues than the financial ones. It seems as if this company has a leadership issue and they don't respect their employees. I can guarentee you that not one supervisor has thanked him for his service and dedication to the company over the past decade. He is underappreciated, underpaid, and frankly he needs to wake up and move on. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

