I'm currently a stay at home mom to one child. My husband works full time. He's been there about 11 years(he was laid off once for a year and this was 2 years ago but they called him back)
There are roughly 200 employees of different ranks. We pay roughly $200 or so a week for our health insurance. Employer pays the rest. This is for 3 people. Its decent insurance with about a 2k deductable which is fine with me.
They sent out a letter a couple months ago saying that any new employees they hire have new rules for health insurance. The letter stated that the employer will only pay for the employee and any dependents will not be covered unless the employee pays the full difference.
Employees already employed will not be subject to this.(as of yet anyway)
I think it's crappy. It means a new guy coming in with a wife and kid will get insurance paid for himself(of course he'll pay a percentage for it for himself) but if he wants to insure wife and kids he has to pay the full difference. I know when dh got laid off cobra was very pricey so we opted out.
The employer has not been known to do layoffs regularly but when my husband was laid off before and called back ,he came in as new employee and had to wait 4 months for insurance and lost vacation days etc.
The message to me from them is:we don't want to pay your healthcare(I know it's gotta be hard for them being so pricey, I get it) and I wonder if next year they take it away. It's an auto supplier non union and my dh is an engineer type.
There are roughly 200 employees of different ranks. We pay roughly $200 or so a week for our health insurance. Employer pays the rest. This is for 3 people. Its decent insurance with about a 2k deductable which is fine with me.
They sent out a letter a couple months ago saying that any new employees they hire have new rules for health insurance. The letter stated that the employer will only pay for the employee and any dependents will not be covered unless the employee pays the full difference.
Employees already employed will not be subject to this.(as of yet anyway)
I think it's crappy. It means a new guy coming in with a wife and kid will get insurance paid for himself(of course he'll pay a percentage for it for himself) but if he wants to insure wife and kids he has to pay the full difference. I know when dh got laid off cobra was very pricey so we opted out.
The employer has not been known to do layoffs regularly but when my husband was laid off before and called back ,he came in as new employee and had to wait 4 months for insurance and lost vacation days etc.
The message to me from them is:we don't want to pay your healthcare(I know it's gotta be hard for them being so pricey, I get it) and I wonder if next year they take it away. It's an auto supplier non union and my dh is an engineer type.