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Do you enjoy an occasional soda pop?

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  • Do you enjoy an occasional soda pop?

    I thought I was an occasional soda drinker.

    Last May I bought a Coca-Cola at a gas station and seeing the code under the cap decided to register for Coke's rewards program. I figured I drink an occasional Coke; might as well see what the points could get me.

    So we are coming on a year later and even though I keep getting email reminders to enter my codes, I have not had any to enter....because I have not bought any Coke products.

    This is a surprise to me. I thought I drank around one per month. So instead of thinking of myself as an occasional soda drinker, I realize that I'm an infrequent soda drinker.

    I guess soda is not my "Latte Factor."
    "There is some ontological doubt as to whether it may even be possible in principle to nail down these things in the universe we're given to study." --text msg from my kid

    "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." --Frederick Douglass

  • #2
    We drink soda regularly at our house - caffeine-free diet Coke is our drug of choice. And I do participate in Coke rewards. I typically use the points to get more Coke for free. I've also gotten free movie tickets to AMC theater.

    * Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
    * Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
    * There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.


    • #3
      I like Dr. Pepper and will usually get one if I stop at McDonalds.


      • #4
        I allow myself 2 sodas per week. We don't keep it in the house.

        It bothers me when I see people drinking 24+ ounces per day (sometimes per meal).
        seek knowledge, not answers
        personal finance


        • #5
          Originally posted by feh View Post
          It bothers me when I see people drinking 24+ ounces per day (sometimes per meal).
          Soda and other sugared beverages are the leading cause of obesity in the US. I have a stat hanging by my desk at work that says that 8% of all calories consumed in this country come from sugared beverages. Drinking 1 extra can of regular soda per day can result in gaining 15 pounds per year.

          I have obese patients who admit to drinking at least 2 liters of regular soda per day. I have one patient who is hooked on Mountain Dew. She admits to drinking 12 cans per day.

          * Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
          * Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
          * There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.


          • #6
            There's a sub shop in the building where I work. They appear to have one of those deals (like some gas stations) where you buy a cup (appears to hold at least 32 ounces) from them, and then you can get discounted refills forever and ever.

            Every time I'm there to buy a sub, there are two guys who are there just to fill up their cups. They must be doing this at least once per day. They look as round and healthy as you would imagine.
            seek knowledge, not answers
            personal finance


            • #7
              I don't drink soda... maybe once or twice a year. I am very much a water person. I dislike the idea that I am spending money on a drink that would probably be a major contribution to my weight gain... and I gain weight easily, so I really have to watch what I take in.

              Now my SO, on the other hand, his veins run coca-cola, but he is still quite fit. I have no idea how he gets away with it, because he eats and drinks a lot of crap. I think it is genetics.


              • #8
                I love a nice cold Pepsi, Squirt or Coke. So, I keep it in the basement and usually have a can every other day or so. I just enjoy it.


                • #9
                  Years ago I lost a good bit of weight (intentionally). My doctor asked me if I drank a lot of soda. I guess he figured I must have cut out soda to avoid a lot of calories. I had not before losing weight. Actually I had not been a soda drinker then either, but I had used diet soda as a crutch to wean myself off excess snacking, sort of like a smoker might temporarily substitute another habit such as gum chewing help to get over the smoking.

                  Later, I had two cases (12 packs?) of diet soda go bad, as I ignored them, not really being interested in them. I had not previously known that they could go bad.

                  I do like soda of all kinds. It's just not something I often think of consuming. I have many other temptations.
                  "There is some ontological doubt as to whether it may even be possible in principle to nail down these things in the universe we're given to study." --text msg from my kid

                  "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." --Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    No, I don't drink soda very much at all. I never buy it, unless we are having a dinner party or something - and then I have a terrible time estimating amounts because I don't really drink it.

                    I would like to say it's because I am very conscious of what I put in my body, which I am - I cook most of my own food, eat organic, not a lot of processed stuff - but mostly it's because I don't really like soda and never have.

                    If I am the designated driver and out at a party, I might have an orange soda if there is nothing else intersting being offered.

                    That said - I get more than enough caffine from my severe coffee addiction!


                    • #11
                      I drink more than I should but I gave it up for Lent and I'll continue to do that beyond Easter. I've found that I can manage without and have already lost a few pounds, who knows how much of that has to do with my Lenten sacrifice. In fact it's all sugary drinks, even drink my coffee black.

                      We don't keep it in the house so my consumption was always a can or less at work during lunches. Also when we go out, but that's changing.


                      • #12
                        Ordinarily, I would say 'very rarely'. I never buy it to have at home, never buy it at work, and only occasionally will have a soda when I go out to eat. I normally just drink water, or occasionally fruit juice--honestly, I just find sodas too sweet for my tastes. However, I do have a minor soda weakness: locally-brewed root beer, cream soda, or ginger ale. If I'm at a restaurant that has any of them, I WILL get one without hesitation. And right now I'm up in Alaska for a few weeks, where such concoctions are VERY common....and thus, I'm getting soda alot more frequently than normal right now.


                        • #13
                          I drink a lot of water(from the tap). I usually buy store brand colas and even then I rarely have more than 1 per day. I used to drink more but it never caused me any weight gain but I have always exercised quite a bit.
                          "Those who can't remember the past are condemmed to repeat it".- George Santayana.


                          • #14
                            Let's keep it in perspective a 12 oz can of Coke is 140 calories. Not really THAT much. If you're relatively active you can offset that easy. It's the super-size consumption of soda that creates the problem.


                            • #15
                              Coca Cola is my guilty pleasure for sweets. I don't drink soda daily or store at home, but tend to drink more while eating out on the weekends for fast food. I will say a can is all I need, 20oz I typically won't finish, even if at work. I suppose there could be worse vices in life.
                              "I'd buy that for a dollar!"

