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Coins to Cash

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  • Coins to Cash

    Three or four times a year, I empty out all of the piggy banks, jars, drawers, couches, cars, etc. of coins, take them to the bank, and exchange them for cash. I can probably figure on $15-$20 each time. Not a big amount, but provides for a bit of spending cash for a couple days.

    At some of the homes I visit, it seems like people horde coins. Big jars full of them. I'd almost like to offer them the service of converting those coins to cash for a nominal fee.

    Does anyone have thoughts on this? Do you tend to cash your coins in, or keep them around? Or keep them in your pocket day to day, and pay exact change? That's what my grandpa always did - a child of the depression. It drove me crazy when he went to pay a bill and rifled through his pocket counting out pennies and dimes until he had exactly the amount needed to pay the bill.

  • #2
    I let the silver ones build for a while then I cash them in. Pennies on the other hand have been accumulating for years.


    • #3
      I have a couple of change banks on my dresser. When they are full, I dump them into a bag and take them over to TD bank to be counted and exchanged for cash.

      * Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
      * Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
      * There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.


      • #4
        Spend them as I go.
        "There is some ontological doubt as to whether it may even be possible in principle to nail down these things in the universe we're given to study." --text msg from my kid

        "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." --Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          I use my CC for virtually everything, so I rarely even have change handed to me. Whatever change I do have sits in a drawer at work and I occasionally use it for the vending machine.

          I don't keep pennies. I tend to leave them in public places for other people to find.
          seek knowledge, not answers
          personal finance


          • #6
            I use changes as I get them for places that don't take CC. I keep pennies because they have better use outside of the financial market.


            • #7
              We tend to accumulate them for a while and then cash them in. Though when we pay in cash we sometimes pay exact change if we have it on us.


              • #8
                I have a coffee can from 197? I've always saved my coins til this can was full. It always comes out to right at $100. I would never pay to have this counted. Some might but I think the fun is seeing what you've accumulated one coin roll at a time.
                "Those who can't remember the past are condemmed to repeat it".- George Santayana.


                • #9
                  I used to collect my coins but not anymore. I use cc for most of my purchases.

                  If I do have a bit of change and buy a coffee or something like that I tend to leave a little change in the charity bins that are attached to the drive through. I figure if I'm lucky enough to be able to spend $1.50 on a coffee I can leave a few cents for someone less fortunate.



                  • #10
                    I spend as I go, but I also empty out the coins from my purse at the end of the day. (I like to travel light and coins are heavy.) I have roll counters on my dresser that I drop coins in to when I take them out of my purse. When I have a full roll, I wrap it up and take it in to deposit at the bank the next time I'm in. I like to keep my money earning more money for me instead of just sitting around.

