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Cash or ATM?

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  • #16
    I'm kinda weird that I use debit with my card, even though I'd get rewards if I used my credit card. I have a deep seated hatred toward credit card companies, so I treat them as a necessary evil.

    I live in a small town where some proprietors don't take cards, so I'm about 70% card-30% cash.


    • #17
      I've tried both and using my debit card has been the way that works the best for me. It allows me to easily track my spending and keep track of my budget through downloadable bank statements that I then import into my budgeting program.


      • #18
        Cash for most purchases. I don't have credit cards, but do have a debit card for things like online purchases and the like.

        The supposed benefits really aren't enough for me to consider it worth it. Heck, the gas station I fill up at even gives a cash discount. Cash is still king in my book.

        There is no paper trail as well. That's fine and dandy for me. What I spend my money on is nobody's business but my own.


        • #19
          I mostly use credit cards, but admit that if I just used cash, I would spend a lot less.



          • #20
            I only use credit cards when I am overseas. Don't see the need for credit cards when I am not.


            • #21
              One thing that I want to point out (that is probably obvious), is that a lot of us people (I don't know how to better phrase that to mean people in my situation?), have a hard time getting the credit card with the specific awards. We are able to get certain types of credit cards (usually higher interest rates, etc., even with good credit) but the ones that seem more adventageous, I have not heard of most of my friends being able to get those types of cards.

              I sometimes feel like it is one of those barriers to equal access and the cycle of poverty---i.e., poor people cannot get credit for tough times, etc.


              • #22
                i love to use cash but i guess cards are better and safer


                • #23
                  My spending habits don't tend to change whether I use cash, debit or credit. So in that case I have some cash around at all times but I tend to use my credit card because it allows me to track all of my purchases in one place and pay them all of simultaneously while getting the big picture.


                  • #24

                    I only use Cash for services that won't allow the use of debit, like the barbershop, and other misc.


                    • #25
                      Use credit for everything we possibly can, love the rewards and the ability to track. BE RESPONSIBLE W/ CREDIT CARDS AND YOU WILL BE FINE!

