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Online Banks - Bill Pay

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  • Online Banks - Bill Pay

    I have a question.

    I am looking to set up an online bank account that provides bill pay.
    No fees
    No BS
    Easy to use

    I hate HSBC, and my hatred was once again ignited when I tried to set up an HSBC direct account recently. Their polices are something else, I realize they have their reasons, but once you accept one thing you don't like, then you have to accept another thing you don't like. Frankly I am sick of them and am looking for something similar, but much more Customer friendly.

    Let me know


  • #2
    charles schwab

    No fees
    no minimums
    4.0% interest on a real checking.
    free checks
    free bill pay


    • #3
      I don't know much about them as I have never used them.

      Friendly customer service?

      Is this an online account? I cannot tell by looking at their information... I assume it is because it has bill pay..

      I am not liking their website layout though, not very appearling to look at, do you have an account, how easy is it to do things within the account?


      • #4
        I use Bank of America. It isn't an online bank, but their Bill Pay service is excellent.

        * Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
        * Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
        * There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.


        • #5
          I use the online bill paying feature from my own checking account with US bank.

          It's free and in instance, where the payment is sent earlier to the payee where it's cleared prior to the actual due date that I had set up, which caused me the insfufficient fund charge. I called their customer service and got that voided.

          On the other hand, where the rare occasion of them sending the payment late which caused me a late payment fee from my biller, I called them where they credit my account for the late payment fee.

          So far, I really liked the feature alot. Shouldn't your bank offer this feature for free, now aday. Citibank also offer this feature but I use them mostly for my saving purpose.



          • #6
            Disney, sorry, it MUST be an online bank!!!

            Aisa, I also have this but it takes 10 days to send an electronic check, which is too long. And I want to separate my business earnings from my savings. HSBC says for 4 days for an electronic check, even that is a little long, but much better than my other account.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jeffmem View Post
              Disney, sorry, it MUST be an online bank!!!
              I am just curious what difference it makes whether a bank is online or not if you can do everything online, including bill pay?


              • #8
                Disney, sorry, maybe I am using the wrong words to describe it. What I mean is everything must be able to be done from online, no walking into any banks to sign stuff or deal with them in person. I am not currently in the US so everything has to be done by phone or online, and I much prefer dealing with everything from a computer when possible. So I was using the wrong way to explain it, I don't care if it is an online bank or not, but everything must be able to be done from online.

                And actually I am not too thrilled with Bank of America as it appears they have a lot of fees with their accounts. Maybe I am wrong... I will check it out. Thanks!


                • #9
                  Well my local credit union is great as well. Like B of A it is not an "online" bank, but I never set foot in my last credit union decades. My point is you can do banking pretty much anywhere online. Not that you would be eligible for a CU, but I wouldn't narrow my search too much to just banks that advertise as "online" banks. I switched CUs last year to something more local and though I pop in to make deposits once in a while, it is completely unnecessary to have to ever set foot in there.


                  • #10
                    As you said, not everyone can open a CU. I am one of those who cannot.

                    My home city bank allows for bill pays, however, theirs takes 10 days, I need something faster than that and something with a better layout then theres anyway. That is a personal account, and I need to open another account for business purposes. I do not want to deal with some local city bank, it always causes issues. I prefer to work with a bigger bank that can do transfers faster and more efficient.

