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More Troops or come home?

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  • #16
    Re: More Troops or come home?

    Originally posted by creditcardfree
    Pupart, I think it is fine that you posted the petition for those who want to sign. Our military protects the constitution and each persons right to speak freely.


    • #17
      Re: More Troops or come home?

      Originally posted by gackle
      It looks inevitable that a democrat will be elected president in '08. I feel sorry for where our country is headed and pray that they will not turn a blind eye to the realities of our current world. God bless us all.
      If you don't like where our country is headed, why don't you leave? I'm not being sarcastic. It's a quite serious question. I'm sick and tired of people saying that they hate where our country is going, if so-and-so is elected they are leaving, etcetera. If the state of our government is so horrible in your mind, then find a country where you feel more comfortable and where you don't have to feel sorry for the government. The point of living in America is that you don't have to like what is going on, but the founding fathers didn't exactly mean for everyone just to sit on their keisters and complain. They meant for people to actually do something if they don't like it...that's what our constitution and BOR is for.

      And don't think that Democrats are the problems for all of America's woes. Pointing fingers solves nothing.

      I'm also feeling very strongly about this topic right now due to a conversation held in one of my classes today, so if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to. But the great thing about this country? It doesn't matter if I offend you or not, because my opinion is just as valid as yours. I'm not right, I'm not wrong, and neither are you.


      • #18
        Re: More Troops or come home?

        Originally posted by ozzy gurl
        I'm also feeling very strongly about this topic right now due to a conversation held in one of my classes today, so if I offended anyone, I didn't mean to.
        You and me both I guess and rightly so. This is probably the most polarized topic in America the past few years. As far as I'm concerned you can get as passionate as you'd like as long as the debate does not disintegrate into baseless character assassinations. With that being said...
        Originally posted by ozzy gurl
        If you don't like where our country is headed, why don't you leave? I'm not being sarcastic. It's a quite serious question. I'm sick and tired of people saying that they hate where our country is going, if so-and-so is elected they are leaving, etcetera.
        Please tell me where I ever said this. I love our country and the soldiers fighting for it. They give Pupart the same right to petition that gives me the right to state my positions against that petition. It's ironic that you mention this though because the only people that I'm aware of that threaten to leave the country are left-leaning celebrities. As far as I'm concerned, it discredits them when they claim they're going to leave the country then never do it. Congrats to Pierre Salinger - he was the only one that ever followed through with his promise. Challenge for you, ozzy gurl - find me a conservative person who has threatened to live somewhere outside the country when a democratic president took office. On a side note, if you offered me land and a house on the southern island of New Zealand I just might take you up. The pictures I've seen from there look like heaven.
        Originally posted by ozzy gurl
        The point of living in America is that you don't have to like what is going on, but the founding fathers didn't exactly mean for everyone just to sit on their keisters and complain. They meant for people to actually do something if they don't like it...that's what our constitution and BOR is for.
        And don't think that Democrats are the problems for all of America's woes. Pointing fingers solves nothing.
        You're right. When my republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry, recently issued an executive order mandating the new HPV Gardasil vaccine for all girls entering the sixth grade I called both my state rep and senator expressing my outrage as well as left a comment on the governor's comment line. I also asked my senator and rep what we need to do to impeach this republican as this is not the first time that he has really angered his base. In addition, I called a statewide talk show doing exactly what you suggested: people were complaining about the executive order so I called to exhort people to stop complaining, get organized, and do something about it. Perry campaigned for relection on the platform of being tough on border security then two weeks after he got reelected (no, I didn't vote for him) he said this:
        He said the campaign rhetoric did not foster good relations with Mexico.
        “Good neighbors do not foster fear and engage in divisive appeals,” he said. “They seek solutions.”
        Perry said he is opposed to building a fence or wall along the entire border with Mexico.
        “Strategic fencing in certain urban areas to direct the flow of traffic does make sense, but building a wall on the entire border is a preposterous idea,” he said.
        “The only thing a wall would possibly accomplish is to help the ladder business.”
        Perry said the federal government needs to quickly enact immigration reform, and he said he supports a guest-worker program that would bring illegal immigrants out of the shadows.
        So the democrats aren't the only ones. So here's where you come in, ozzy gurl, because I'm at a loss. Please tell me what action I can take as a single person and citizen of the U.S. to help our soldiers win the war and get the hell outta there? I'd love to hear your suggestions.
        Originally posted by gackle
        God bless us all.
        When I wrote all, I meant all, including Pupart and ozzy gurl.


        • #19
          Re: More Troops or come home?

          All that I have to say about the whole thing is less General Discussion and more General Patton.


          • #20
            Re: More Troops or come home?

            Originally posted by gackle
            So the democrats aren't the only ones. So here's where you come in, ozzy gurl, because I'm at a loss. Please tell me what action I can take as a single person and citizen of the U.S. to help our soldiers win the war and get the hell outta there?
            well, before they caught saddam there was this joke about a bunch of drunk hunters, a bass boat, and a long ocean voyage to iraq

            and all, please take this comment with the levity and lightheartedness with which it was intended. this is in no way a besmirching of gackle in particular or anyone's views in general.


            • #21
              Re: More Troops or come home?

              Originally posted by ozzy gurl
              The point of living in America is that you don't have to like what is going on, but the founding fathers didn't exactly mean for everyone just to sit on their keisters and complain. They meant for people to actually do something if they don't like it...that's what our constitution and BOR is for.
              Originally posted by gackle
              So here's where you come in, ozzy gurl, because I'm at a loss. Please tell me what action I can take as a single person and citizen of the U.S. to help our soldiers win the war and get the hell outta there? I'd love to hear your suggestions.
              Ozzy gurl, you're suggestions for personal action after lambasting me for complaining have been noticably absent and it troubles me. Why would you attack me for taking no action and then take none yourself? I did think of something though, thanks to you. Matt Bramanti, a blogger out of Houston, has a brother over in Iraq. He has decided to adopt his brother's unit. I will be adopting a Spc. Robinson from over there to exchange letters and send packages to. No matter what your (not you personally, ozzy gurl, but everybody on stance is on the war, all of our troops deserve to be supported because they are fighting for everybody's freedom stateside. Matt has given me permission to post the above link for anybody who wants to contact him and join in on the fun. If you're intersted, his email address is in the link and you can drop him a line. There's also a link in comment #14 below the story for ordering USPS flat rate boxes to ship to Iraq. Come one, come all!


              • #22
                Re: More Troops or come home?


                My responses have been noticeably absent as I have not returned to this thread until now. I did not "attack" you, and I am sorry that you felt that way.

                Sign petitions, send care packages, write letters, speak to your friends and neighbors about your beliefs, not only vote but make sure you are educated about who you vote for, etcetera. I'm single, I support our troops but not this war. I have done all of the above. Please do not treat me like I don't care about the soldiers over there. One of my good friends was killed two years ago in Iraq.

                Sometimes I do not return to threads because I feel like I may get too heated to respond rationally, and this is why I have not returned until now. I do not appreciate it being insinuated that I just "attack" people and then leave.

                Edited to add: You could also join the U.S. army.


                • #23
                  Re: More Troops or come home?

                  Wayne Dyer was on PBS last night.
                  I decided to check and see if he has a website.

                  Here is a link for anyone who wants to read his comments about the war :


                  • #24
                    Re: More Troops or come home?

                    When I wrote all, I meant all, including Pupart and ozzy gurl.
                    I'm sorry, but this is incredibly uncalled for. You will most likely insist that this isn't true, but I am reading this comment as your way of saying that you and your beliefs are somehow better than what I believe in. I don't need you to wish that God will bless me. I am blessed by God as I try to live my life the best I can every single day. I always will stand up for what I believe in, and I will not back down simply because someone might disagree with me or feels attacked.


                    • #25
                      Re: More Troops or come home?

                      I would definitely support more troops to be sent there. I believe in "safety in the numbers". The more troops are there, the safer they will become.

                      I really like gackle's posts. If I had the time I would be posting similar things.


                      • #26
                        Re: More Troops or come home?

                        [QUOTE=shengmei]I would definitely support more troops to be sent there. I believe in "safety in the numbers". The more troops are there, the safer they will become.

                        Maybe the "enermy" believes in "safety in numbers too"


                        • #27
                          Re: More Troops or come home?

                          Originally posted by gackle
                          I can't understand why the people who want to pull out have such short memories. 9/11 was only 5 years ago. Don't they understand that the Islamic terrorists want us dead?

                          Do you remember when Bin Laden issued threats days before the last presidential election? .
                          Iraq did not attack us on 9/11. Bin Laden did. His troops are recruited from all over the middle east, most especially Saudi Arabia, a so-called friend to the US I might add. They do not all come from Iraq. Bush invaded Iraq becus he wants control of the oil and rather than make the long-term commitment to developing alternatives to fossil fuels, he decided to knock out Hussein.

                          Our invasion of Iraq had little true connection to what happened on 9/11 but Bush & Co. manipulated the tragedy of that day to get voters to go along with an unprovoked attack on foreign soil.

                          I support our troops and as someone else here pointed out, one can support our troops and not support adding more bodies to be sacrificed. To presume that we could convert an islamic regime to a 'democracy' is the height of ignorance. Some wars are just not winnable. I repeat: Some wars are just not winnable.


                          • #28
                            Re: More Troops or come home?

                            [I support our troops and as someone else here pointed out, one can support our troops and not support adding more bodies to be sacrificed. To presume that we could convert an islamic regime to a 'democracy' is the height of ignorance. Some wars are just not winnable. I repeat: Some wars are just not winnable.[/QUOTE]

                            Very well said Fern.
                            Mu husband is retired now, but spend 26 years as an officer in the US Army.
                            Two full years were spent in Vietnam.
                            He doesn't support this war, but he supports the troops.
                            There are many more like him.


                            • #29
                              Re: More Troops or come home?

                              How will we know when the job is "done" or the war is "over" or that we have "won"?


                              • #30
                                Re: More Troops or come home?

                                That's a good question, vsjhoc. I've never thought of it that way. I know we need to win, but at what point is that exactly and how do you measure it? I'd be curioius to hear people's differing criteria or thoughts on this.

