How much do you spend on eating out, groceries, and household items each month, and for how many people?
I am working on setting our budget, and this is one area where I have the most play. We have historically been spending $1,500 - $2,000 per month for 2 adults and 2 dogs on eating out, groceries, and small household items. That included eating out most nights and being as liberal as we liked with our choices. I am trying to cut that to no more than $1,200 per month, and am debating whether it might be possible to go lower.
I am wondering how I compare to what you guys do?
I am working on setting our budget, and this is one area where I have the most play. We have historically been spending $1,500 - $2,000 per month for 2 adults and 2 dogs on eating out, groceries, and small household items. That included eating out most nights and being as liberal as we liked with our choices. I am trying to cut that to no more than $1,200 per month, and am debating whether it might be possible to go lower.
I am wondering how I compare to what you guys do?