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Internet TV

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Radiance View Post
    Sometimes the streaming freezes though....
    Bandwidth issue. What kind of broadband do you have?

    The basic solution is to increase your net speed....

    The alternative is to have it run until fully buffered before playing.


    • #17
      I have up to 12Mbps, for $42
      up t0 16Mbps would be additionat 10 bucks.
      Those are the only to products available on my area

      The "up to" stuff bugs me, but it is always faster than DSL


      • #18
        Wow, wait....

        If that is your throughput, you shouldn't be having trouble with your bandwidth. But that is cable right? As in it's shared?

        Can you please go to and tell me what numbers you are getting?

        Sometimes, it could be server-side too. I've noticed that I sometimes have pauses in my video as well, because it couldn't load fast enough. I have 6Mbps over dedicated DSL.


        • #19
          I usually watch from, there are 3000 TV channels available and live internet chanel also...


          • #20
            Hello, I noticed my overall browsing a little so I did the test just now
            I get:
            Download 19.3 Mb/s
            Upload 4.26 Mb/s
            ping 30ms

            ISp serves at <50 miles

            So I should be ok, but even the hulu tour video froze on me once while viewing...arg


            • #21
              Crazy. If you think about it, that's faster than the fastest speed that you are currently not paying for....

              I wonder if the speed test glitched some how or cable companies are advertising an average shared speed rather than a theoretical maximum that they usually do?

              But yeah, that's definitely no problems. I get about 1/3 of that speed (dedicated) and have absolutely no problems watching video. If you experience a bottleneck, it could be on Hulu's end.


              • #22
                You can get a device, I know that "turns" your monitor into a TV and you can watch TV on the computer. About $100 or so. A friend had one and really liked it. But when hubby and I were without cable, we just watched TV shows and movies directly on the computer via high speed modem (which I have to have because I work online at home). There are many sites that offer free movies such as that saving spree mentioned, but also and many others. Just search "Free TV Online" to find one you like.


