Originally posted by moneybags
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If, for whatever reason, there isn't anything available for free before my ECBs expire, there is always something I can use at a decent enough price to use them up. There are often good sales on cleaning supplies, paper products, and food items, especially combined with coupons.
One great way to get started is with a prescription coupon. At least around here, they are constantly offering a $25 gift card for any transferred prescription, and they will honor any other store's coupon as well.
It works best if you're not particularly brand loyal and have at least one CVS close to you. The one I frequent is right by my mother's house, so I'm up there a couple times a week anyway.
It only takes a few minutes of my times and I haven't paid for toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, feminine protection, soap, shampoo, or razors in over a year.
I would never pay CVS prices out of pocket, but I'm happy to take their products for free. What I can't use I give to my friends, family, and the local food pantry. It all goes to use somehow.