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Who's the Best Personal Finance Writer?

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  • Who's the Best Personal Finance Writer?

    I suspect all you out there have a favorite financial advice writer. Personally, I love Dave Ramsey, but who else do you like? Suze Orman? Jean Chatzky? David Bach?

  • #2
    There are many good ones out there. My theory is that the first one we read who really opens our eyes and prompts us to get serious about our finances becomes our favorite. For me, it was Jane Bryant Quinn.


    • #3
      Originally posted by scfr View Post
      There are many good ones out there. My theory is that the first one we read who really opens our eyes and prompts us to get serious about our finances becomes our favorite. For me, it was Jane Bryant Quinn.
      Good theory. For me,it was Suze Orman.But, I enjoy Robert Kiyosaki too.


      • #4
        Not DR. He is a terrible writer, better to listen on the radio.
        LivingAlmostLarge Blog


        • #5
          I love Mary Hunt - her advice really appeals to me because I'm getting out of debt and am on a low income. i don't really have money to worry about investing in the stock market or anything like that.


          • #6
            I enjoy Ben Stein.


            • #7
              I actually like DR. I picked up his book and this is what got me to getting serious about my money and, through some other boards, to find this message board.



              • #8
                I would absolutely say Suze Orman. Her Young, Fabulous and Book was incredibly informative (although I think the title is bad). It is a very good book for beginners and gives great advice!


                • #9
                  The Bible!


                  • #10
                    I'm dating myself here but I still love Amy Dacyczyn. She helped me figure out how to stay home and taught me how to do the math with every purchase.
                    DR is good for motivation. Suze Orman is a more into merchandizing for my taste. She's very good at selling her books though.
                    My favorite advice comes from boards like this. Most people in real life won't talk money.



                    • #11
                      some are same old same old

                      Thanks for all your input. While I do like Dave Ramsey for motivation too, I frequently want more advice than just "rice and beans, rice and beans." Maybe I'm not gazelle-ish (or whatever he calls it) for him. But the simplicity of the plan appeals to me.
                      I guess I like advice that doesn't have me thinking about money all the time, where it takes over your life.

                      I also find the David Bach books all the same. I think he should call them the Automatic Book-Writing Millionaire. And Suze Orman is just too critical or nasty to some of her questioners. Amy Dazyczyn makes me laugh--especially with her often grotty advice on food and things, but her plans for organzing and storing things made sense.


                      • #12
                        not to kiss butt. but i like (and listen to) Jeffrey from this site. i also read and listen to the slickdeals founder guy.


                        • #13
                          i like andrew tobias, who wrote the famous book 'the only investment guide you'll ever need'...


                          • #14
                            I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey. He literally gives the same advice my grandparents tried to give us. They've been completely debt free, including the house, since their mid 40's and have always enjoyed a comfortable, yet frugal life. They saved $ on the day to day so they could go on nice cruises, support their hobbies, etc. Since I've been able to see it work in their lives I've been extremely motivated to follow DR's plan.


                            • #15
                              I prefer dave ramsey and the late larry burkett.

