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My 2018 Challenge

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  • My 2018 Challenge

    I never set out to do this before in this way, but I am on fire to gt out of debt and stay out of debt. As I can see it, I need to do two things. Pay less for things and find some ways to make more money whether as one off things like selling something on CL or something that I can do routinely.

    One of the things going for me is I get things from Amazon Vine to try and review. One of the items I got a few weeks back was a day planner that has a calendar for each month as well as weekly spreadsheets for each week on two pages and since it is about the size of a notebook there is plenty of space. I don't need and appointment book for my appointments even though I have a lot of doctor ones, I don't have too much to keep track of. So I decided since I have the space to use it as a way to track progress in finances this next year.

    I have already started on some savings when I signed up for my Medicare D program, I found one that should run me $1000 LESS in cash out of my pocket than the policy I had for the last few years. So over the course of the year, that is $1000 saved and not needed to be 'earned'. I got the day planner for free. The last two years i got free Turbo-tax software and hope I will be able to get that as well to save around $50.

    Usually I have used a spiral notebook to track when bills are due and because of an error in writing the wrong date down I paid a bill a day late and got socked with a penalty. I usually do my bills on Wednesday as that is when SS checks are deposited. So in the calendar I will be writing what is due on each Wednesday and I know, no more late fees because of writing down the wrong date.

    Just feeling my way along currently, but I'm hoping to be more organized this next year that can keep carrying on for the years after. Two big things this year is paying off the mortgages on our rental property.

  • #2
    Bumping this for awesomeness and encouragement.


    • #3
      Originally posted by james.hendrickson View Post
      Bumping this for awesomeness and encouragement.
      Thank you! Even though I am the one on disability, of the two of us, hubby seems to be in worse shape and is having a rotten time finishing up the work he HAS to finish. From that point, I know he can do work for me to help me in my business as well as doing some of the cooking/cleaning. But unless something gives big time, he isn't going to be making much money for who knows how long if ever.


      • #4
        It's been a few years and I really hope that you were able to achieve the goals that you have achieved. It's really cool that you decided to close all your debts! I accidentally saw this topic and I was very interested in what your progress is. Many people are enthusiastic at the beginning, but along the way they lose the desire to work and earn money. By the way, I noticed that you often plan meetings, I would like to give you one piece of advice that concerns organizing these meetings. In order not to buy diaries, try using This way you can save money on diaries, as well as optimize the process of organizing your meetings!
        Last edited by Xanton; 01-06-2021, 10:44 AM.

