Deposited my $35 today that I saved on groceries last week. Pretty good start.
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wendykw's Challenge
How I'm calculating my savings to use for the Yahtzee Challenge.
To answer Margot52's question: I kept my receipts for what I bought at Target and grocery stores. The receipts have notations on them about sale prices and coupons used. So I added up those amounts and transferred that amount from checking to an old savings account we have. I had emptied that account a while back, but it still had $0.25 in it. Whatever amount I manage to save shopping sales and coupons each week, I'm going to use for the Yahtzee Challenge. I have to find my Target receipt from yesterday so I can do that today. We have an emergency fund account already. Christmas was tight last year, so I'm hoping to have money to have a good Christmas this year. I got laid off a month ago, so hopefully I'll find a new job before too long. I have already had one interview, and I will receive my last severance check this Friday. We don't have 6 months of actual income in the emergency fund, but with unemployment checks we should be able to make it for at least 6 months without a problem. The Christmas Fund could turn out to be a backup to the emergency fund. My biggest fear is that I don't find a job before the health insurance becomes my expense in May. They gave me 3 months of free COBRA as part of my severance. The COBRA would eat up over $1100 per month of our savings. My husband is not healthy enough for us to go without insurance. He's retired, but has 1 more year before he is eligible for Medicare. Thanks to everyone for the words of support.
This week's savings
Finally found my Target receipt. Total saved this week is exactly $18. I also received a $5 target gift card for buying Charmin TP, but I won't count that until I use it. I may save that for gift giving or just use it for groceries.
My Food Lion receipt said I had saved $16.34, but they had my husband's favorite soda on sale for 4 12-pks for $10. Since I ONLY buy soda on sale, I used what my usual price was as my basis for savings--not their usual price. That decreased the savings total on that receipt by $9.98. I find it hard to believe that anyone would buy soda at full price.
If DH didn't "have to have" his soda, I wouldn't buy any. I drink water, juice (mixed 2/3 juice to 1/3 water), coffee and sometimes Kool-aid. We probably have 2+ months of soda in the house now.
So my total saved now is $53 in two weeks. I never knew I was saving that much on groceries. I'm not even counting what I am saving by buying things at a different location than I usually did. SInce the layoff, I have the time to drive a little out of my way to buy stuff. I used to shop after work at 2 am, so my choices were limited. I may be being a little more cost conscious, because of the layoff. I haven't really shopped that much either, because we had been stocking up in anticipation of my layoff.
(I thought I had posted my first post in this thread as a comment on the 52 week challenge.)
It's awesome that you're able to save in spite of the layoff, and that you had an emergency fund in place. That's exactly why I'm trying to build my emergency fund, because you just never know anymore...gone are the days of "job security" for most people (in my opinion).
I think each of us started our first post as a comment on the challenge thread, but I'm assuming Jeffrey set up the different threads for us. I actually like it this way, so we can check on each individual's progress and encourage one another. Good idea with the coupon/savings.
Thank you for explaining how you did it. it's smart that you take that savings and actually put it somewhere. I get savings from shopping, but that savings usually goes to pay for soemthing else rather than into a savings account.
Sorry to hear about your job loss and I hope that you find one soon. Keeping good thoughts in my heart for you on that end!
Week 3 savings ($34)
$27 savings at the grocery store and $7 at Target. I try to buy multiples of things we use while they are on sale. Stocked up on our favorite coffee at Target and on several things at the grocery store. The $27 is 25% of my grocery store total for this week.
Still no job offer. Got my last severance check on Friday. I was truly hoping that I'd find a job before I was eligible for unemployment insurance. I can file tomorrow, but in NC the first week is unpaid. So if I can find a job this week, I won't get a check. Hopefully, I'll get the job I've already interviewed for. Everybody cross your fingers. I wanted to continue to be able to say I'd never drawn unemployment. I'm just a few years from retirement. It's all good.
Update, I've been sick
I hit a psychological wall and got really depressed about being unemployed. Didn't sleep for 36 hours on Monday 2/25. With my husband's help, I am finally feeling almost like myself now. I'm almost 60, and have never been unemployed before unless it was by choice. My last paycheck was on 2/15 and my 1st unemployment check was last week (3/7). I'm lucky that North Carolina's changes to unemployment insurance doesn't go into effect until July 1st. I really have to find a new job before the beginning of May, or I'll have to pay $1300 per month for COBRA health insurance. My husband is not healthy enough for us to go without insurance.
Week four's savings was $10, week five was only $2 (lots of no spend days that week), and last week I saved $22. That brings my 6 week total to $121.
Time to go job hunting again on the internet. No company wants you to apply anyway except by internet. I got turned down for one job without being interviewed, and the one I did get an interview for has never given me a decision. Keep your fingers crossed that something new is available somewhere.