When folks post their expenses, a comment often gets made that their auto insurance figure is too high. I don't think everyone realizes how variable rates are around the country. Rates are based on many factors like where you live, what kind of car, how much you drive, your age, your marital status, your FICO score, your education level, other policies you have with the same company and more. I live in NJ which has the highest auto rates in the country by state average. That said, when I lived in Philadelphia, my rate was double what it is in NJ. Even though as a state, PA is lower than NJ, Philadelphia itself was much higher.
We have 2 cars, a 98 Camry and a 00 Sienna. Our premium for 10/08-4/09 was $1,098.80, or $183.13/month.
I'm certain that I can find cheaper coverage. I got a quote from another company last year that was a little lower (about $30/month) but I never followed through. It is on my list of things to do this year.
We have 2 cars, a 98 Camry and a 00 Sienna. Our premium for 10/08-4/09 was $1,098.80, or $183.13/month.
I'm certain that I can find cheaper coverage. I got a quote from another company last year that was a little lower (about $30/month) but I never followed through. It is on my list of things to do this year.