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Mac Vs. PC

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  • Mac Vs. PC

    My computer is dead so I would like to get a new one and I went to best buy to look around and the sell guy introduce me to a mac pc and I was impress. So I want to do some research. So for the one who have a mac. List me so pro and cons.

  • #2
    I love my mac- no problems whatsoever, never, no viruses, etc. I'll never go back to a PC. And I use my computer A LOT!


    • #3
      What a delightful and yet potentially dangerous topic.

      The bottom line is, "What are your computing needs?", "What is your budget?", and "Are there any specific softwares you can't live without?"

      In general, PCs run across the board with varieties of every kind... so perhaps it's easier to simply compare and contrast Apple.

      Apple products are generally beautifully designed. I have met very few people who own one and is not ultimately satisfied with the user experience.

      Apples are also generally more expensive than PC products.

      Apple software are basically incompatible with the rest of the PC world (but there are ways around that).

      I would get an Apple if you're looking for something that is beautifully designed, willing to spend the money for it, and you don't have any critical software that is PC only.

      Hope that helps.


      • #4
        We've had a Mac since 1994 (not the same one -we're on our 3rd, plus 1 Apple laptop along the way).

        Macs are generally much easier to use. The user interface is much more intuitive. For example, you don't have to click on "Start" to turn the computer off (I've always loved that one on PCs).

        As BA said, Macs tend to be more expensive for similar machines, but it is also challenging to compare because processor speeds aren't equivalent so with a PC and a Mac with the same stated processor speed, the Mac will be faster.

        mommyof4 makes a very important point about Macs not having problems with viruses. Since Macs occupy a very small share of the market, I guess the idiots who have nothing better to do than write malicious software don't bother attacking Macs.

        The software compatibility issue is not nearly as big a deal as it used to be because the newer dual processor Macs can do a very respectable job of running PC software. Essentially, you can get a Mac and a PC all in one machine. It is definitely more costly than just getting a PC, though.

        For the record, we have a PC laptop (Toshiba Satellite) which I like quite well, but if I had to choose one over the other, it would be no contest. I'd take the Mac.

        * Despite the high cost of living, it remains very popular.
        * Why should I pay for my daughter's education when she already knows everything?
        * There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.


        • #5
          Mac uses quality hardware, so they compare to higher end dells etc. They chose not to compete at the low end. I've used a few mac's & really like them, but I'm too cheap to spend that much for a computer. If you are looking at a laptop I'd suggest the apple care plan. I think Apple laptops are more reliable than most, but repairs are still pretty common.


          • #6
            Originally posted by tulsa_sr5 View Post
            Mac uses quality hardware, so they compare to higher end dells etc. They chose not t I think Apple laptops are more reliable than most, but repairs are still pretty common.
            I've only had to have mine repaired one time, and it was because my dd dropped it on the floor by accident (laptop). And I use my laptop for work and home use, too. I teach little kids, and I have little people using my computer all the time, and although it may get a bit grimy with little hands, none of them have been able to destroy it, either!


            • #7
              We're slowly converting the whole house to Mac. We have 3 MacBooks between my DH, my brother, and myself, and we absolutely love them.

              Once my desktop dies, I'm going to replace it with a Mini-mac. The downfall is, my programs at work are Windows based and not compatible with Mac. I can get around that by springing for Parallels and Windows OS, so I'm not too concerned.

              I will never shell out money for another PC. They die far too quickly for my liking.


              • #8
                iMAC all the way!
                Got debt?


                • #9
                  Get. A. MacBook.


                  • #10
                    macs are more expensive for same hardware than a pc. but for that expense you get two things: apple's form factor and OS X.

                    apple's form factor are things like build quality and aesthetics. apple puts a lot of effort in making sure this is top notch. I have yet to come anybody that didn't put apple in their top 3, if not number 1 for this trait. another thing that goes along with this is balance. there are many components to a computer and there needs to be a good balance between them for what you're doing. macs tend to do this better for the general user, whereas most pc builders tend to overcompensate one component(mostly cpu) to make a selling point.

                    OS X versus vista/xp
                    I would say both are very easy to use and as long as you don't have use any of various OS specific softwares, both work great for the vast majority of people. mac has less spyware/virus but this is primarily because obscurity, windows has about 10 times as many machines, not because it is more secure(both look like swiss cheese to hackers - a lot of holes). as apple gains market share, spyware/virus will become more of a problem, but they have a long way to go. both have there own quirks, and once you get used to one, the other is going to be strange at first. but you eventually get used to the new one and your original one will then feel strange.

                    Originally posted by disneysteve
                    As BA said, Macs tend to be more expensive for similar machines, but it is also challenging to compare because processor speeds aren't equivalent so with a PC and a Mac with the same stated processor speed, the Mac will be faster.
                    this is not true, you can find the exact same processor in pcs as macs. but it is true that clock frequency is not the only factor to a processor. for example comparing the clock speed of an AMD to an intel is non-sense, similarly comparing a intel pentium D to intel core 2 duo is also non-sense. there are even two flavors of core 2 duo, where 45nm ones can beat slightly "faster" 65nm ones. what is even worst is that performance isn't uniform over all applications, so when comparing two processors, one can beat the other in some applications and lose in others. I hope I have thoroughly confuse everyone by now.

                    I build my own computers and run primarily linux with xp as dual boot. i have family members with both macs and pcs, where I'm the first person they call when there is a problem or they can't figure out what to do.


                    • #11
                      What are you using it for? I have an eeepc, it's a 9 inch laptop that has wireless, 30 gb ss drive, perfect for internet and writing, which is what I use it for. price tag under $400 as well, so easy on the pocketbook.


                      • #12
                        IMO if you build your own.. PC (we do)

                        Otherwise Mac

                        The only exception would be if you cannot learn two systems, because the vast majority of the world uses PC, so if you are set in your ways go with PC. (like grandparents...No offense intended -just that no matter how easy a mac is I wouldn't advise my MIL buying one, she works with a PC all day, and her computer learning curve is steep.)

